3.5 WiFi Hotspots
Wi-Fi hotspots have been turned on by default, and the default Wi-Fi hotspots are Cell-WiFi-xxxx-V4 and V5.
Wireless Overview
After accessing the router, go to Network
> Wireless
. This page lists the WiFi configuration section of the physical radio. You can configure the WiFi hotspot and the WiFi relay.
mt7615e2 is the WiFi4 (2.4GHz) WiFi network
SSID Cell-WiFi-xxxx-V4 | Mode:
is the primary 2.4G WiFi hotspotSSID Guest-WiFi-xxxx-V4 | Mode: Master
is the guest WiFi on 2.4G. Click the "Enable" button to enable the Guest WiFi hotspot. The guest WiFi is turned off by default.SSID xxxx | Mode: Client
The WiFi relay connection appears after setting up the WiFi relay.
mt7615e5 is the WiFi5 (5.8GHz) WiFi network
SSID Cell-WiFi-xxxx-V5 | Mode:
is the primary 5.8G WiFi hotspotSSID Guest-WiFi-xxxx-V5 | Mode: Master
is the guest WiFi on 5.8G. Click the "Enable" button to enable the Guest WiFi hotspot. It's turned off by default.SSID xxxx | Mode: Client
The WiFi relay connection appears after setting up the WiFi relay.
User Status
Go to "WiFi > User Status" to check the connected WiFi client devices.
Wi-Fi Hotspot
Click the "Edit" button on the row of WiFi SSID to enter the configure section.
i. General Setup
In the section "Device Configuration > General Setup," you can monitor the WiFi network status and configure its "Network Mode / Channel / Bandwidth."
Suggest keeping the default settings with no changes to avoid conflicts.
ii. Advanced Settings
In the "Device Configuration" section, click the tab of "Advanced Settings" to choose the "Country Code / Support Channel / TX Power."
iii. Wi-Fi SSID & Password
In the downward section of "Interface Configuration," we can edit the WiFi SSID (WiFi hotspot name) on the "ESSID" field.
ESSID: WiFi hotspot name
Mode: Keep the "Access Point"
Network: Keep the "LAN"
Hide ESSID: It will hide the WiFi broadcast signals after enabling it.
After enabling the Hide ESSID function, the router stops broadcasting the WiFi hotspot but maintains the WiFi connection when manually entering the WiFi hotspot name and password.
WMM (WiFi Multimedia) is an automated way of handling Quality of Service (QoS) on the Wi-Fi network that provides improved video and voice performance over the wireless network.
Click the "Wireless Security" tab to enter the encryption section and configure the WiFi password.
Encryption: Select an encryption method. e.g., WPA-PSA/WPA2-PSK is recommended for home and small office networks.
Cipher: The default "Force CCMP (AES)" is recommended.
Key Renewal: Leave it blank.
Key: The WiFi password is a secret phrase clients must use to connect to your WiFi network. With WPA-PSK encryption, the Key must be at least eight characters.
Finally, click the "Save & Apply" button on the bottom right corner to take effect on the above WiFi settings. It will reboot the WiFi hotspot in 2~3 minutes.
Last updated